Cultural Heritage of Paraíba. Because culture is alive in our blood!
In July 2009, the EITA Group of Folklore Projections was born in the Valentina neighborhood, South Zone of the beautiful city of João Pessoa / PB, created by the couple Lourival Júnior and Karoline Carvalho. In 2018, with the help of our community and in search of broadening our cultural horizons, the EITA PARAÍBA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION was founded, which the group becomes one of the branches of this association, composed of 38 volunteer folklorists, 30 dancers and 08 musicians.
The dance table is composed of several popular manifestations, such as: Boi de Reis, Xaxado da Paraíba, Ciranda, Coco de Roda, among others.
The name “EITA” comes from a strong and very popular expression, used for a long time to show astonishment or surprise. For example: “Jeez, this is so damn good! Jeez, what a good thing! ”. As it is routinely in the vocabulary of Brazilians in general, the popular saying was chosen to name the group.
The main objective of the EITA Group of Folkloric Projections is to research and deepen popular dances, especially those in Paraíba, further elevating the artistic thinking of our people and strengthening our roots. This work is a process of permanent dedication, in this way, the members meet weekly for rehearsals and meetings.
According to Lourival Júnior, “based on the formation and construction of this thought of valuing northeastern art and traditions, the EITA Group of Folkloric Projections was created to keep our culture alive, strengthening and offering its customs, beliefs and beliefs to the population, which it really needs a more intense branching of popular dances. ”
Currently the EITA group is one of the most active groups in the capital of Paraíba, having participated and received awards in several festivals across the Northeast and also internationally. We can highlight some of our participations: Festival Nordestino de Xaxado in the city of Serra Talhada - PE (2011/2019), Opening of the Youth Olympics (2011), XXXVI Winter Festival of Campina Grande / PB, International Folklore Festival EL MUNDO Danza Orillas del Paraná, Santa Fe Province, Argentina (2018 - representing Brazil). We were elected the best group of the 16th Festival of Folk Dances at the 23rd FIART (2018) with the show MY LIFE IS XAXAR !. In 2019 the runner-up was reached, in this same event, with the show BUMBA QUE BUMBA MY BOI. In addition to participating in events of this type, the Eita Group of Folkloric Projections responds to requests from several schools across the state.
Eita Group of Folkloric Projections: pride of Paraíba!